Embrace your chaos.

  • Plan ahead.

    When we approach our weekly blessings, we take under consideration our work, school & activity schedule. Too often, we forget to make food a part of our calendar.

    I know this might seem overwhelming to add “one more thing” but in reality, you are serving your future self in a way that will empower you immensely.

  • How to plan.

    In order to achieve a weekly menu for my family, I start by looking at the busiest days of the week. The days where it seems impossible to reach the kitchen. Then I ask myself a few simple questions: “Where will we eat? What time will it be & what would be fulfilling and time effective?” Then I can plan appropriately.

    On the days that are more tranquil, reward your future-self by meal prepping for the busy days of the week. It is all about you helping you, so you are able to connect with your family

  • Grace.

    No matter what your goal is, offer yourself grace when you do not achieve it. There are no perfect situations or solutions to your busy lifestyle.

    Shame destroys the heart while grace restores it.

    Some weeks you just won’t be able to do it all. Everything is about balance.

    Be kind to yourself.

Julie Kurzawa Julie Kurzawa

The Family Dinner Project

In this edition of Friday Food for Thought, I wanted to emphasize the significance of family dinners. We understand that this time of connection is vital, so why do we often neglect it? Because we are inundated. Completely overwhelmed by work, youth sports, social obligations, appointments, and more. So, how and when can we carve out time to sit down and savor meaningful moments with our families?

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Julie Kurzawa Julie Kurzawa

Trying new veggies with your child

Feeding our children nutritious meals is important, but it often doesn't go as planned. To avoid power struggles, use practical tips to spark your child's curiosity about new produce. Make mealtime an exciting adventure to inspire healthy eating habits. Try these ideas today!

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Julie Kurzawa Julie Kurzawa

Children who love soups

Tips 4U; to interest your child to eat a healthy veggie soup. Learning from generations of mother who cooked for their children & my desire to share this moment of connection with my family brings this to you today.

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Julie Kurzawa Julie Kurzawa

Kid’s grazing board

Suggestion to your busy lifestyle: skip the complicated mealtime and make a special kid grazing board

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Julie Kurzawa Julie Kurzawa

Du fond du cœur

I am incredibly humbled by the love and support Pour Toi received on its launch date.

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